ABOUT US: Dog & Cat Grooming & Boarding
LOCATION: 1161 Worthington Road
HOURS: (following hrs begin 4/8/2024)
Grooming (by appt only)
Drop off 7a-8a and
Pick up 2p-3p
Boarding(call for reservation)
Drop off or Pick up
7a-8a, 2p-3p or 6p-7p
Paws Claws & Hooves LLC Owensboro, KY 42301
(270) 925-4558 call/text leave message
Payment: Cash, Check, All Major Credit Cards
Paws Claws & Hooves LLC was established by Trina & Freddy Mack in the spring of 2009. Trina’s love for animals and Freddy’s passion for business made for a great team in this venture. We bought the existing business Paws & Claws from the Bradshaw’s who were doing kenneling and then we added Pet Grooming & Horse Boarding to the list of services. We are as close to the City of Owensboro as one could be but still be in the country. When you come out Parrish toward Worthington Rd over the 60 bypass look 45 degrees to your right just past the black tobacco barn you will see our business it’s a big yellow building with 2 big brown garage doors. Our house is the brown one
just to the right of it.
We look forward to raising our kids Emily Anne & Eric up learning about the value of work, money and teaching them proper business skills as the years go by. They love animals and they can find out that its all not just a pretty cute animal but it requires the mucking of stables, cleaning of kennels, and assisting Trina with some grooming. All along we will teach them that God gets the Glory. He created us all and we must praise Him and Revere Him always.
So God Bless You and Your Family and of Course Your Animals. Thank you for all of your business and keep on coming back to see us. We love You All!!!!

From 60W (From Frederica on 60) Take 60 west to Parrish Ave (81) and turn left (west) on Parrsih (81), go ½ mile an bear right at the 56/81 split off (Take 56 West), immediately take a right on Worthington Road at 1 mile the road bends sharply left. Take a right there on the gravel road and we are ¼ mile down on the left.
From 60E (From Post Office or from Audobon on 60) Take 60 East to Parrish Ave (81) and turn right (west) on Parrish (81), go ½ mile and bear right at the 56/81 split off (Take 56 West), immediately take a right on Worthington Road at 1 mile the road bends sharply left. Take a right there on the gravel road and we are ¼ mile down on the left.
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